Hiralal Mazumdar Memorial College for Women

Re-Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade - 2016

Procedure Of Admission

ADMISSION REGULATIONS for Six Semester B. A./B. Sc./B. Com. (Hons./Genl.) & B. Mus. (Hons./Genl.)

Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) -2018-19

Regulations for Admission to the Six Semester B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.(Honours and General) and B. Mus. (Honours and General) Courses of Studies effective from the Academic Session 2018-2019 under Choice Based Credit System.

  1. Admission Qualifications:

A candidate who has passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) or its equivalent examination is eligible to seek admission to the First Semester of the Six SemestersB.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons and Genl) or B. A. Music.(Hons. and Genl.) Course of studies provided he/she has also passed in English having full marks not being less than 100.

In any case, where there is an ambiguity regarding the admissibility of a particular examination at the Higher Secondary (10+2) level of study, the matter shall be referred to the Equivalence Committee of the University who shall determine the eligibility of the said examination.

However, no candidate, in general, shall be allowed for admission after a lapse of more than 3 years from the year of passing the previous qualifying examinationThose desirous to do so will seek permission from the University Authority.

The year of admission shall not be taken into account while calculating 3 years from the year of passing the previous qualifying examination.

For the purpose of determining eligibility for admission to the Honours Course, aggregate marks shall be calculated by adding the marks of top four subjects in order ofmarks secured by a candidate. However, marks in compulsory EnvironmentalEducation/Studies shall not be taken into account for calculation of aggregate marks. If the subject “Environmental Science” is studied as an elective subject of 100 marks, it may be taken into account for the purpose of determining the aggregate marks.

2. Eligibility Condition

2(a)A candidate taking up Honours Course in a subject must have obtained:

i) A minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate and 45% marks in the subject or related subject at the previous qualifying examination. In case of B. Mus. (Hons.) 45% marks in the aggregate and 45% marks in the subject Music in the pre-qualifying examination.


ii) 55% marks in the subject or related subject at the previous qualifying examination.


iii) 50% marks in the aggregate when the candidate has not studied the subject in his/her previous qualifying examination provided all the other clauses are satisfied.

2 (b) However, candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe Community taking up Honours Course of study must have obtained a minimum of 40% marks in the aggregate and 40% marks in the subject or related subjects at the previous qualifying examination, as the case may be.

3. Candidates from other Boards

3(a) Students, who have passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) examination or its equivalent from the All India Boards/Councils or State Boards/Councils including Open Schools and vocational studies, are eligible for study at the UG level.

3.(b) Students who have passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) examination or its equivalent from the All India Boards/Councils (i.e. CBSE, ISC and National Institute of Open Schooling) are not required to submit the Migration Certificate for getting Registration under this University.

3.(c) Any dispute regarding eligibility criteria would be resolved by the Equivalence Committee set up by the University or by the Executive Council in its absence.

4. Choice of Courses

4(a). For the B.A./B.Sc. (Honours) Course of Studies, a candidate is required to choose his/her Honoursin a discipline and two other disciplines for Generic Elective courses, from among Group-I to Group-VIII as follows by taking not more than one disciplines from any of the groups mentioned hereunder:

4 (b).For the B.Sc. (General) Course of Studies, a candidate is required to choose three disciplines from among Group-I to Group-VIII as follows by taking not more than one disciplines  from any of the groups mentioned hereunder:

4 (c). For the B.A. (General) Course of Studies, a candidate is required to choose two main disciplines  and forGeneric Elective courses the student is required to chose a third discipline, from among Group-I to Group-VIII as follows by taking not more than one disciplinesfrom any of the groups mentioned hereunder:

GROUPS of disciplines
Gr. I.:             Physics,  Zoology,  Education,  Women Studies

Gr. II:             Mathematics, History, , Environmental Science

Gr. III:           Chemistry,  Sociology,  Music,  Sanskrit.

Gr.IV:            Botany, Economics, Food & Nutrition

Gr. V:             Political Science, Electronics

Gr. VI:           Geography,  Psychology,  Philosophy, Journalism & Mass Communication

Gr. VII:          Physiology, English

Gr. VIII:        Anthropology, Computer Science, Bengali, Urdu

5. Mandatory Subject Requirement (at H. S.level)

A candidate shall be allowed to take up the discipline (s) under heading “A” if he/she had passed the subject (s) under heading “B” at the previous qualifying examination.

6. Some Special conditions for admission to Honours Courses as follows:

To take up Honours in any subject, the candidate has to pass in that “subject” or “any related subject” in the H.S. examination. In the above table, in general, “subject” and “related subject” are given under the columns A and B. However, the following restrictions supersede the previous clause.












Physics and Mathematics




Chemistry and Mathematics




Zoology/ Biology/Biotechnology










Computer Science


Computer Science/ Mathematics




Electronics/Physics and Mathematics


Environmental Science




Food and Nutrition


Chemistry and Biology












Accountancy/    Business    Economics    including    Business




Mathematics/  Business  Organisation/  Mathematics/Economics/




Statistics/  Commerce/  Accounts/  Business  Studies/  Financial




Accounting/  Office  Management  and  Secretarial  Practices/




Elements  of  Cost  Accountancy and  Auditing/  Book  Keeping/




Business  Mathematics/  Cost  Accountancy  and  Principle  of





  1. Economics: A candidate shall be allowed to take up Honours in Economics ifhe/she has passed in Mathematics at the H.S. or its equivalent Examination. However, it is advisable that a student pursuing Honours in Economics takes Mathematics as a Generic Elective(for pursuing higher studies in the subject in future).

B. A student shall be given B. Sc Honours degree in Economics if he/she takes up at least one discipline  from the Science group for his/her Generic Elective (as given in sec 7a) and shall be awarded B. A Hons degree in Economics if both the disciplines chosen for Generic Electives are from the Arts & Humanities group (as given in sec 7b).

A student will be given B.Sc degree in Economics if he/she earns required number of credits in the structure appropriate for B.ScGeneral and chooses at least one discipline from science group besides economics.

A student will be given B.A. degree in Economics if he/she earns required number of credits in the structure appropriate for B.A. General and chooses the other main discipline (and not the Generic Elective) from Arts & Humanities group, besides economics.

  1. Education/Sociology: Subjects Psychology, Philosophy, Mathematics,Sociology, Education, Economics, Political Science, History be treated as related subject.
  2. Philosophy: Subject Psychology is a related subject.
  3. Food and Nutrition: A candidate shall be allowed to take up Honours in Foodand Nutrition if he/she has passed in Chemistry at the H.S. Examination and has to take up Chemistry as one of the elective subject.

A student will only be given the B.Sc degree for Food and Nutrition subject. It is mandatory for the student to choose both the subjects from the Science group (as given in sec 7a) to be eligible for the aforesaid degree.

v) Geography: A student will only be given the B.Sc Honours degree for Geography subject. Students studying Geography will have to take two disciplines as generic elective subjects from the disciplines mentioned hereunder and in conformity with Grouping of subjects: Mathematics, Computer Science, Economics, Political Science, Zoology.

  1. However, that other things remaining the same, a candidate may take up Honours course in B.A. in the following subjects without taking any elective subject from the Group of Science/ Home Science:
  2. Psychology, b) Economics.
  3. Divisions of Honours and General subjects B.A./B.Sc.:
  4. Arts & Humanities:

History, English, Bengali, Urdu, Political Science, Sanskrit, Philosophy, Sociology, Education, Journalism & Mass Communication, Music, Women’s Studies

b) Science:

Physics, Zoology, Chemistry, Botany, Psychology, Mathematics, Geography, Physiology, Economics, Computer Science, Electronics, Environmental Science, Food and Nutrition.

  1. Division of Commerce: Honours and General subjects of B.Com.:

A student admitted for the B. Com degree of the University shall be awarded a General degree of the University depending upon the courses chosen by the candidate.

  1. Interdisciplinary Subjects

      Any B.A./B. Com Student can choose any Science subject as a HGEC or GGEC course and all such candidates shall be admitted on the basis of the Admission Test/Screening to be conducted by the College Authority Concerned to assess the aptitude of the candidate in the relevant subject

  1. The evaluation and assessment pattern under CBCS system will be regulated as per provisions of the regulation which will be in force at the time of the said examination. Any dispute regarding the above would be resolved by the relevant Examination rules and regulations set up by the University or by the Executive Council.


  1. It is expected that the semester examinations will be held every six months as per the academic calendar which will be duly intimated in advance by the University. 
  2. B. A. (Hons) in Music and B. A. (General) with Music as a subject:

A i) A candidate taking up B. A. (Hons.) inMusic must get 45% marks in the aggregate and 45% marks in the subject Music, in the pre-qualifying examination.


ii) 50% marks in the subject Music at the pre-qualifying examination.


  1. 45% marks in aggregate when the candidate has not studied the subject Music in the Pre-qualifying exam. Such candidates shall be admitted on the basis of the Admission Test/Screening to be conducted by the College Authority Concerned.

If a student takes music as his/her Hons discipline and two other subjects as HGEC from

arts/humanities group and earns the required credits then he/she will be awarded B.Mus (Hons).

If a B.A. general student choses nusic as a main discipline then he or she will be awarded B.Mus

degree after earning of the stipulated credits

B) Music as a GGEC course: Any B.A. General Student can chose music ad a GGEC course

and such candidates shall be admitted on the basis of the Admission Test/Screening to be

conducted by the College Authority Concerned

If a student takes music as his/her Hons discipline and two other subjects as HGEC from

arts/humanities group and earns the required credits then he/she will be awarded B.Mus (Hons).

If a B.A. general student choses nusic as a main discipline then he or she will be awarded B.Mus

degree after earning of the stipulated credits

B) Music as a GGEC course: Any B.A. General Student can chose music ad a GGEC course

and such candidates shall be admitted on the basis of the Admission Test/Screening to be

conducted by the College Authority Concerned

A) B. Mus.(Hons) and B. Mus. (General):

A candidate taking up B.Mus (Hons.) must get 45% marks in the aggregate and 45% marks in

the subject Music, in the pre-qualifying examination.


ii) 50% marks in the subject Music at the pre-qualifying examination.


45% marks in aggregate when the candidate has not studied the subject Music in the Pre-

qualifying exam. Such candidates shall be admitted on the basis of the Admission Test/Screening

to be conducted by the College Authority Concerned.

If a student takes music as his/her Hons discipline and two other subjects as HGEC from

arts/humanities group and earns the required credits then he/she will be awarded B.Mus (Hons).

If a B.A. general student choses nusic as a main discipline then he or she will be awarded B.Mus

degree after earning of the stipulated credits

B) Music as a GGEC course: Any B.A. General Student can chose music ad a GGEC course

and such candidates shall be admitted on the basis of the Admission Test/Screening to be

conducted by the College Authority Concerned

A) B. Mus.(Hons) and B. Mus. (General):

A candidate taking up B.Mus (Hons.) must get 45% marks in the aggregate and 45% marks in

the subject Music, in the pre-qualifying examination.


ii) 50% marks in the subject Music at the pre-qualifying examination.


45% marks in aggregate when the candidate has not studied the subject Music in the Pre-

qualifying exam. Such candidates shall be admitted on the basis of the Admission Test/Screening

to be conducted by the College Authority Concerned.

If a student takes music as his/her Hons discipline and two other subjects as HGEC from

arts/humanities group and earns the required credits then he/she will be awarded B.Mus (Hons).

If a B.A. general student choses nusic as a main discipline then he or she will be awarded B.Mus

degree after earning of the stipulated credits

B) Music as a GGEC course: Any B.A. General Student can chose music ad a GGEC course

and such candidates shall be admitted on the basis of the Admission Test/Screening to be

conducted by the College Authority Concerned

A) B. Mus.(Hons) and B. Mus. (General):

A candidate taking up B.Mus (Hons.) must get 45% marks in the aggregate and 45% marks in

the subject Music, in the pre-qualifying examination.


ii) 50% marks in the subject Music at the pre-qualifying examination.


45% marks in aggregate when the candidate has not studied the subject Music in the Pre-

qualifying exam. Such candidates shall be admitted on the basis of the Admission Test/Screening

to be conducted by the College Authority Concerned.

If a student takes music as his/her Hons discipline and two other subjects as HGEC from

arts/humanities group and earns the required credits then he/she will be awarded B.Mus (Hons).

If a B.A. general student choses nusic as a main discipline then he or she will be awarded B.Mus

degree after earning of the stipulated credits

B) Music as a GGEC course: Any B.A. General Student can chose music ad a GGEC course

and such candidates shall be admitted on the basis of the Admission Test/Screening to be

conducted by the College Authority Concerned

  1. If a student takes music as his/her Honours discipline and two other subjects as HGEC from arts/humanities group and earns the required credits then he/she will be awarded B.A. (Hons) in Music.
  2. If a B.A. general student chooses music as a main discipline then he or she will be awarded B.A.Generaldegreewith Music as a subject after earning of the stipulated credits.

B)       Music as a GGEC course: Any B.A. General Student can chose music as a GGEC course and such candidates shall be admitted on the basis of the Admission Test/Screening to be conducted by the College Authority Concerned.

11. College Transfer:

Transfer of candidates from one affiliated college to another will be possible as per the provisions laid out in the regulation of CBCS system which will be in force at the relevant time. However, in all cases such transfers will be effected after due approval of the application of the candidate concerned alongwith requisite non-refundable fees to the University administration without contravening the provisions of the Regulation inforce. The University reserves the right to approve or reject such applications of transfer and it cannot be treated as a matter of right on behalf of the applicant concerned(subject to fulfilling norms of the college).

12. Re-admission:

In case of discontinuation of Studies, the candidate concerned can be permitted only fresh admission with the issuance of new Registration (in cancellation of the earlier registration) after submission of an affidavit from a 1st class Judicial Magistrate that he/she has not taken admission under any other University/Institution in the intervening period . All such cases of fresh admission have to be preceded with the cancellation of earlier registration. For all such re-admission the provisions of this regulation in consonance with the Act and Statute of the University and the guidelines issued by the West Bengal Higher Education Council from time to time should be followed.

13. Completion of UG Course:

As per UGC norms, a candidate has to complete the Under Graduate Course (6 semester) within 5 years (five years) from the date of Registration.

A student enrolled for a Honours degree of the University shall be awarded the same if he/she completes a total course of 140 credits along with the mandatory satisfactory completion of the different courses under the said course for the aforesaid degree.

A student enrolled for a General degree of the University shall be awarded the same if he/she completes a total course of 120 credits along with the mandatory satisfactory completion of the different courses under the said course for the aforesaid degree.

14. For all admission and re-admission cases, the provisions of this regulation in consonance with the Act and Statute of the University, guidelines issued by the West Bengal Higher Education Council and Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal from time to time should be strictly followed.

It is notified for all concerned, that all admissions in the B.A/B.Sc/B.Com/B.Mus Under Graduate Courses only will be proceeded strictly incompliance with the Regulation of Admission of the University and the intake capacity of the college. The University shall take the final decision regarding regularity of the provisional admission.
By the order of the Principal

 (Decided by the order of the West Bengal State University)

There are few boards which claims that they are recognized by Government. Please beware from such institution. They are nothing more than scam in education. The lists of Fake Boards in India are:

  1. Central Board of Higher Education, AspatiBhawan, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi.
  2. All India Board of Secondary Education, Gazipur
  3. Central Board of Higher Education, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi.
  4. Board of Adult Education and Training, Brahmpuri, NagalRai, New Delhi.
  5. GurukulVishwavidyalaya, Vrindavan
  6. AkhilBhartiyaShikshaSansthan, New Delhi.
  7. ACN International University, Raipur
  8. Doon International University, Raipur
  9. Board of Higher Secondary Education, Delhi
  10. Indian Council of Secondary Education, India
  11. All India Board for Education Training, Delhi
  12. All India Board for Secondary Education, Delhi
  13. Board of Adult Education &Tarining, Delhi
  14. Central Board of Higher Education, Delhi
  15. Jamia Urdu, Aligarh
  16. GurukulVishvavidyalayaVrindaban, Mathura
  17. Council of Secondary Education, Mohali
  18. Mahashakti Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Delhi
  19. Council for the Indian Certificate Examination, Delhi
  20. BhartiyaShikshaParishad, Lucknow
  21. Board of Secondary Sanskrit Education, Lucknow
  22. Hindi SahityaSammelan, Allahabad 
  23. Mumbai Hindi Vidyapeeth, Mumbai
  24. The Central Board of Higher Education, New Delhi
  25. Dr. Ramgopalacharya Sanskrit Mahavidalaya, Etah, U.P.
  26. Board of Secondary Education Madhya Bharat, Gwalior
  27. Council of Secondary Education Board, Mohali
  28. Mahatma Gandhi Secondary and Senior Secondary Education Board, Delhi
  29. Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Open Education, West Bengal
  30. Board of Youth Education, India
  31. The Council of Basic and Technical Education, Ludhiana
  32. ShikshaParishadMadhyamic, Gwalior
  33. Central Board of Education, Ajmer
  34. Council of Higher Secondary Education, Delhi
  35. Board of Secondary Education Madhya Bharat, Gwalior 
  36. Delhi Board of Senior Secondary Education, Delhi
  37. Board of Technical and Secondary Education, Delhi
  38. Board of Youth Education in India
  39. Mahatma Gandhi Secondary and Senior Secondary Education Board, Delhi
  40. Council of Higher Secondary Education, Delhi
  41. Indian Council Open School Certificate Examination, Maharashtra
  42. Mahakoshal Board of Secondary Education, Jabalpur
  43. National Board of Higher Secondary Education, Delhi
  44. Board of Higher Secondary Open Education, Delhi
  45. Board of School and Technical Education, Chhatisgarh
  46. Board of Senior Secondary Education
  47. Delhi Board of Senior Secondary Education 

    West Bengal State University

    A. Honours and General Subjects (B.A/B.Sc)








































































































    B. Subjects with Abbreviations for B.Com (Honours& General) and BBA Course 





    B. Com (Honours)



    B. Com (General)

    (Advertising and Sales Promotion)



    B. Com (General)

    Tourism & Travel Management



    BBA (Honours)
