Hiralal Mazumdar Memorial College for Women

Re-Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade - 2016

Library Rules

                                                            HIRALAL MAZUMDAR MEMORIAL COLLEGE FOR WOMEN

                                                                                 RULES FOR CENTRAL LIBRARY

                                                                                        MEMBERSHIP RULES

  1. Library cards will be issued to the students after their registration in the First Year. Cards must be renewed in each year. In order to obtain or renew the Library Card a student has to bring the following things-
  • 2 (two) recent stamp-sized photographs
  • Admission pay slip
  1. After becoming the member of the Central Library, a student will receive two type of cards-
  • HOME ISSUE CARD: To be used for borrowing books from the library for the use in their home.
  • READING-ROOM CARD: To be used for studying in the reading room.
  1. Without proper library card no student will be allowed in the library.
  2. The library card is NOT TRANSFERRABLE (i.e. students are not allowed to borrow books on the card of other members).
  3. Loss of Library cards must immediately be informed to the Librarian in writing, failing of which the student concerned will be held responsible for all subsequent misuse of the same. A fine of Rs 20/- (Rupees twenty only) will be charged for issuing a duplicate card.
  4. The Principle of the college may allow at his/her own discretion the library reading-room facilities to ex-students or outside persons for a period of 1 (one) month initially.


  1. Students may get books from the library on the scheduled days for different classes-
  • First Year: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday.
  • Second Year: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
  • Third Year: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
  1. One book will be issued for 12 days and may be renewed once for the next 6 days only. Requisition slip is to be filled in and submitted to the Lending Counter for "Home issue".
  2. “ON DEMAND” books will be issued for 6 days only and will not be renewed.
  3. The book borrowed should be returned on or before the stipulated date mentioned on the date-slip.
  4.  For delay in returning book, students have to pay fine of an amount of Re.1/- (Rupee one only) per day per book. Sundays and holidays are exempted.
  5.  If a book is not returned within 30 days of its due date, it shall be treated as an offence and strict action will be taken against the student to recover the document.
  6.  Students are requested to check the condition of the book at the time of borrowing. If any mutilation found, report instantly to the concerned library staff. Otherwise the student will be responsible for the damage.
  7.  Students are bound to replace lost or damaged books with the latest edition, failing of which the current market price of the book will be realized from her. If the damaged document belongs to a set, then the student is responsible for the entire set.
  8.  No marks of inscription of any kind are made in any library book. Students will be fined in proportion to the damage done.
  9. Do not make chaotic crowd in front of the Lending Counter, but stand systematically in queue and wait patiently for your turn.
  10.  Do not deliberately misplace or shuffle books while selecting from the shelves, but keep them in proper place.
  11.  After borrowing a book on Home Issue Card, do not sit in the reading room with that book.
  12.  Students of all the years must return all the books borrowed from the Central Library after their Test Examination. They should also surrender their library cards.
  13.  It is mandatory for THIRD YEAR STUDENTS to collect LIBRARY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE from the library after their Test Examination by returning all books and surrendering library cards. Students need to show this certificate in the office before receiving the mark sheet of their final University Exam.
  14. Books lent out to the students may be recalled at any time by the librarian.


  1.  Silence and strict discipline should be maintained in the reading-room. Sleeping, eating, spitting and disturbing others shall be treated as cases of misconduct.
  2.  After taking a book for Reading Room purpose, a reading room slip is to be filled in and should be submitted with your reading-room card to the library staff.
  3.  Students are requested to return the books, borrowed against the reading-room card, to the library staff after consultation. They should not try to shelve back the book.
  4.  Students will be allowed to take maximum three books at a time for study in the Reading Room.
  5. The books marked as "NOT TO BE LENT OUT" and periodicals (both journals and magazines) are meant for consultation within reading room only and strictly not for home issue.
  6.  CASUAL STUDENTS can only avail the reading room facilities.
  7.  During Summer Recess the Central Library remains open.


  1.  At the time of entering the library, all personal belongings should be deposited at the library entrance and should be taken back before leaving the library.
  2.  While leaving the library, user should ensure that they carry only those books that are duly issued on their names, otherwise disciplinary action will be taken against them.
  3. No printed or photocopied documents will be allowed to brought inside the library unless for returning.
  4.  The Central Library is a NO-MOBILE ZONE. Keep your mobile in switched off mode.
  5.  All the information related to Central Library will be published on the Notice Board specified for the Library. Students are requested to follow the notice board and no personal communication or intimation to the students will be encouraged in this matter.
  6.  Improper use of library facilities by a student may lead to suspension of library privileges or even cancellation of her membership.


  1.  The photocopying service in the Central Library is available for the students for library books only, those marked as “NOT TO BE LENT OUT”.
  2.  Timing of photocopy: 3.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M.
  3.  Class notes, outside papers, outside books and official documents are strictly not to be photocopied here.
  4.  A student can photocopy maximum 10 pages of a book once a day against payment.


  1.  Students can use computers for accessing internet, online journals and e-books (subscribed by the college) in the Reading Room of the library.
  2.  Use of computer and internet is meant for learning purposes only. Sending e-mails, browsing social networking site or obscene website, playing games, music, watching videos, downloading any kind of software are strictly prohibited.
  3. Personal files and folders should be saved in the desktop and should not be stored in the computer after the task is complete.
  4.  Use of CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or Pen drive in the library computers are subjected to permission, but ensure that the same is free from virus. Always scan your storage devices by the installed anti-virus.
  5. The Laptops and Palmtops are allowed in the library, but charging of the same is not allowed.
  6. Do not install or uninstall any program or service in any computer.
  7.  If any device of the computer is not working, do not try to fix it. Kindly report to the library staff.

Library rules and regulations may be modified from time to time and shall be binding on all students. In all cases of controversies the Library Rules & Regulation will be final.