
Science Department

About Physiology Department

Year of Establishment: General Course in 2009. Physiology is a basic science which deals about normal function of living body.It is a sub-discipline of biology which focuses how organ,systems,cells,and bio-molecules carry out the chemical or physical functions that exist in a living system. The department always encourages the students in their result and other academic activities. The department organizes workshop, extension lectures, parent-teacher meeting, departmental students' seminars, interdepartmental quiz competition, poster presentation, project works, group discussion etc. for the development of students' quality and their motivation towards the innovative research works.The department has highly motivated, qualified, efficient and inspiring teacher strength. Well -equipped laboratory. Both Students and the teacher avail the reading and lending facilities from the college central library for Text Books, Reference Books, Specimen copies on Physiology, Biochemistry, Neurophysiology, Sports Physiology, Nutrition, Dietetics, Diseases and other related topics which are included in the 1st to 6th semester CBCS General Course Curriculum.The Department also shares all other central infrastructure of the college like ICT enabled classroom etc.

Present Faculties

  • Dr. Mohua Seth(HoD)

    SACT I
    M.Sc, PhD || Experience : Will be available soon
  • Sri Debasis Mazumdar

    Will be available soon || Experience : Will be available soon

Teaching Plan

# Title File
1 CO, PO, PSO View File
2 Academic Plan & ATR View File
3 Academic Calendar View File

Departmental Activities

# Title File
1 Departmental Glimpses View File

Webinars/Seminars Held


Educational Tour


Some of Educational Tour


Research Activities


Academic Resource Bank

# Title Session Semester File Link
1 Blood View File NA
2 Blood View File NA
3 Fat View File NA
4 Movements of GI Tract View File NA
5 Renal View File NA
6 GFR View File NA
7 NMJ View File NA
8 Lymph View File NA
9 Lipid View File NA
10 Posture View File NA
11 Spinal Cord View File NA
12 Brainstem etc View File NA
13 Renal View File NA
14 Thyroid View File NA
15 CSF View File NA
16 Reproduction View File NA
17 pituitary View File NA
18 Nervous System 1 View File NA
19 Nervous System 2 View File NA
21 Muscle Contraction View File NA
22 Muscle View File NA
23 Sports Physiology 4 View File NA
24 Sports Physiology 3 View File NA
25 Sports Physiology 2 View File NA
26 Sports Physiology 1 View File NA
27 Thyroid View File NA
28 Synapse View File NA
29 Bone Marrow View File NA
30 Pancreas View File NA
31 Bone Marrow View File NA
32 Adrenal View File NA
33 Coronary Circulation View File NA
34 Minerals View File NA
35 Training View File NA
36 Thalamus View File NA
37 Sleep & EEG View File NA
38 Tract etc View File NA
39 Nervous System View File NA
40 Hormone View File NA
41 Reproduction View File NA
42 Renin etc View File NA
43 Iron Deficiency Anemia View File NA
44 malnutrition View File NA
45 Nervous System 3 View File NA
46 Muscle Energetics View File NA
47 Renal View File NA
48 Renal View File NA
49 Renal View File NA
50 Sports Physiology 9 View File NA
51 Sports Physiology 8 View File NA
52 Sports Physiology 7 View File NA
53 Sports Physiology 6 View File NA
54 Sports Physiology 5 View File NA
55 Renin, Erythropoietin, ANP View File NA
56 Respiration View File NA
57 Nutrition View File NA
58 Lymph & Tissue Fluid View File NA
59 Sports NA Go to link
60 Artery, Vein, , Capillary View File NA
61 Adrenal View File NA
62 Coronary Circulation View File NA
63 Receptors View File NA
64 Sports View File NA
65 Audition View File NA
66 Training View File NA
67 Basal Ganglia View File NA
68 Cerebral Cortex View File NA
69 Reticular Formation View File NA
70 Tract View File NA
71 Pain View File NA
72 Reflex View File NA
73 Mineral Deficiency Disorder View File NA
74 Isotonic &Isometric Muscle Contraction View File NA
75 Nervous System 4 View File NA
76 Muscle View File NA
77 Renal View File NA
78 Sports Physiology 14 View File NA
79 Sports Physiology 13 View File NA
80 Sports Physiology 12 View File NA
81 Sports Physiology 11 View File NA
82 Sports Physiology 10 View File NA
83 Parathyroid Gland View File NA
84 Thyroid View File NA
85 Balanced Diet View File NA
86 Respiration View File NA
87 Pancreas View File NA
88 malnutrition View File NA
89 Synapse View File NA
90 Nutrition View File NA
91 Vitamin C View File NA
92 Audition View File NA
93 Hypothalamus View File NA
94 Cerebellum View File NA
95 Tract View File NA
96 Memory, Learning etc View File NA
97 Reflex View File NA
98 Skin & Body Temp View File NA
99 Low Birth Weight View File NA
100 Vitamin Deficiency Disorder View File NA
101 Nervous system 5 View File NA
102 Anemia View File NA
103 Blood group View File NA
104 Hypoxia, Artificial Respiration View File NA
