
Science Department

About Psychology Department

Year of Establishment: Honours: 2006; General: 2014. Honours curriculum is offered with Sociology, Economics, Computer Science, Political Science as general subjects (As per students’ choice). General curriculum is offered with Sociology, Economics, and Political Science. Department of Psychology aims to provide a holistic learning environment to the students where they can get proper care, guidance and support to utilize their inner potentials to the utmost. Students are encouraged to maintain healthy and cordial relationships amongst them. Participation in co-curricular activities are also encouraged. Creative and innovative ideas from the students are also nurtured and encouraged. At present, the department runs successfully with the help of five faculty members who maintain cordial relationships with the students as well as with all other staffs of the college.

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Present Faculties

  • Dr. Rajasree Chakraborty (HoD)

    SACT I
    M.Sc., Ph.D. || Experience : 16 years
  • Dr.Arpita Mukherjee

    SACT I
    M.Sc, PhD || Experience : 13 Years
  • Dr.Padmaja Bardhan

    M.Sc., Ph.D || Experience : 25 Years
  • Smt. Sharmistha Mitra

    M.A in Counselling Psychology, P.G Dip in Rehabilitation Psychology || Experience : 5yr 5 months
  • Smt. Arpita Das

    M.Sc., P.G. Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology || Experience : 4 Years
  • Smt. Rupsa Chatterjee

    M.A., P.G. Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology || Experience : 2 Years
  • Smt. Sahana Chakravarty

    M.Sc., P.G. Diploma in School Counselling & P.G.D. in Disability and Rehabilitation management || Experience : 3 years

Teaching Plan

# Title File
1 NEP Major Syllabus View File
2 NEP Minor Syllabus View File
3 NEP MDC Syllabus View File
4 NEP SEC Syllabus View File
5 UG CBCS Syllabus View File
6 UG Part System Syllabus View File
7 Academic Calendar PsychologyAcademic session17-24 View File
8 PsychologyAcademic Plan and Action Taken Report View File

Departmental Activities

# Title File
1 Different Activities View File
2 Mental Health Awareness Program View File
3 Schizophrenia Case Study View File
4 Mental Health Awareness Camp by Student's Health Home View File
5 Add- on and Value Added Course View File
6 Photos of Departmental Events View File
7 Participative Learning View File
8 Psychology View File

Webinars/Seminars Held

# Title File
1 Psychology Seminars/ workshops/ webinars 17-22 View File

Educational Tour


Some of Educational Tour


Student Mental Heaith Awareness Camp

13 Aug 2022

On August 2022, the Students Health Home organized a Mental Health Awareness Camp, bringing together students from various institutions to address and promote mental wellbeing. The Camp saw active participation from our department, and the benifits reaped by our students were evident in their improved life. This camp commenced with insightful sessions by mental health professionals, focusing onstress management, coping mechanism and the importance of maintaing a healthy worklife balance. Our students actively engaged in discussions, sharing experiences and gaining valuable insights for self-care. The camp emphasized the significance of recognizing signs of mental health issues and seeking support when needed. Post- camp feedback revealed a positive impact on our student's lives. In conclusion, the Mental Health Awareness Camp organized by the Students' Health Home proved to be be a significant experience for our department's students. They not only inspired but also presented and insightful mental health issuess and awareness related drama for the first time in our college centrally and endeavored to contribute to raising awareness among other students in the college and entire community regarding mental health .

Research Activities

# Numbers Type of Publication File
1 1. Chakraborty, R. & Mukherjee, A.(2023) . A Review of Psychological Trauma Faced By Marital Rape Victims. In Bose, R.(Ed.). Laws Relating To Marriage, Separation, Divorce and Maintenance", Notion Press, Kolkata.pp1-16 (ISBN 979-8-89-133092-4) -
2 2. Mukherjee, A. (2023). Relating Gender and Life Satisfaction: An empirical study. In Sen, R. (Ed.). Gender and Culture, Avenel Press, West Bengal. pp. 193-203 (ISBN 978-93-94744-82-0) -
3 3 Mitra et al., (2022) Nature of personality patterns and coping strategies among female Indian classical dancers (Bharatanatyam dancers) and contemporary dancers, 2.5 (12-20) (DOI- 10.55162/MCMS.02.033) View File
4 4 Mukherjee, A. (2021). Social Cognition, Social Thinking.In Das, S., & Dasgupta, S.(Ed.). Samaj Manobigyaan, West Bengal State Book Board, Kolkata,pp. 27-56 (ISBN 978-81-951559-8-9). -
5 5 Chatterjee, R & Dasgupta, S. A comparative study of some psychosocial correlates in a group of institutionalized & non-institutionalized elderly individuals. International Journal of Scientific Research. V-9.11.2020:29-31 -
6 6 Chakraborty, R., Dasgupta, M., and Sanyal, N. (2019). A comparative psychosocial study of aggression, attachment style and other personality correlates among orphans, destitutes, creche-attenders and normal children, SIS Journal of 6 Page 6 Mental Health and Projective Psychology, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 41-50. (ISSN 0971- 6610) -
7 7 Chakraborty, R., Dasgupta, M. and Sanyal, N. (2019). Responses to a specific image of SIS-II test: A re-consideration for ‘Typical responses,’ Journal of Psychometry, Vol. 33, Issue 2, pp. 14-19. (ISSN 0971-6939) -
8 8 Mukherjee, A. & Dasgupta,S. (2019). Impact of Music training on Self- concept and Self-esteem of young adults. Indian Journal of Psychology and Education (IJPE).9(1), 146- 156. ISSN 2231-1432 -
9 9 Chakraborty, R, Sanyal, N and Dasgupta, M. (2019). Certain selected psychosocial correlates among few orphan, crèche-attender and normal cohort children. In Chakraborti, M. (Ed.), Cognizance: The new vistas of Education and Psychology, Vol. II, Paschimbanga Anchalik Itihas O Loksanskiti Charcha Kendra, Kolkata, pp.124-139 (ISBN 978-93-88207-28-7) -
10 10 Bhattacharya, S.,Das, A., & Ghosh, P., (2018).  A study on mental health status as expressed by the girl students belonging to north, central and south zone of Kolkata city, '  Paripex-Indian Journal of Research, Vol. 9. Issue 7,pp 17-19. (ISSN 2250-1991). -
11 11 Mukherjee, A. & Dasgupta, S. (2017) Role of Music Training in Anxiety and Self Esteem of Adults. Indian Journal of Community Psychology. Vol 13 (2), (ISSN 0974- 2719) -
12 12 Mukherjee, A. & Dasgupta, S. (2012). Impact of Sex Role Identity & Attitudes on Life Partner Choice. Journal of Community, Guidance & Psychology. Vol 29 (2), (ISSN 0970- 1346) -
13 13 Chakraborty, R., Dasgupta, M. and Sanyal, N. (2015). A Comparative Psychosocial Study of Aggression, Attachment Styles and Personality among Orphans and Normal Children. Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health, Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 103-114. (ISSN 0971-6610) -
14 14 Mitra, S. (2023). Monoroger Bortoman Chitra. In Paul, S.(Ed.). Mon: Sangkat Asukh Pratishedhak Swasthy,Punascha Books Kolkata, pp.- 128-134 ( ISBN 978-81-7572-242-2 ) View File

Academic Resource Bank

# Title Session Semester File Link
1 Triguna and Personality Pattern NA Go to link
2 Question Bank View File NA
3 Question Bank View File NA
4 Question Bank View File NA
5 Question Bank View File NA
6 Question Bank View File NA
7 Question Bank View File NA
8 Question Bank View File NA
9 COVID-19 Motivational Speech by Departmental Teacher NA Go to link
10 Post Pandemic Mental Health Challenges NA Go to link
11 Pro-environmental Behaviour and Mental Health NA Go to link
12 Process of Empowerment View File NA
13 The Importance of Community Development View File NA
14 Mental Health Awareness Programme Part-2 NA Go to link
15 Mental Health Awareness Programme Part-1 NA Go to link
